Tag: asset allocation

Harvard’s Endowment: Wise or Foolish?

Warren Buffett says, “What the wise man does in the beginning, the fool does in the end.” In a Barron’s feature over the weekend, writer Andrew Bary dug into the portfolio of Harvard’s Endowment through an interview with their CIO, Jane Mendillo. After all, who could possibly be wiser than what many would argue is the most respected undergraduate and graduate university in the world? Using a combination of Bary’s article and our perspective, this missive will seek to determine whether the Harvard Endowment is wise or foolish.

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Voluntary Exile

William Smead Chief Executive Officer Chief Investment Officer Dear Fellow Investors: The Bible is full of stories of God’s people living in exile on their own volition. A famine occurred in the land of “milk and honey”, so the Hebrews moved to Egypt at the

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The Value of Sentiment Polls

William Smead Chief Executive Officer Chief Investment Officer Dear Fellow Investors: We at Smead Capital Management (SCM) have made the case that the poor performance of the US stock market from the end of 1999 to the end of 2008 has caused most institutional and

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