Tag: China


William Smead Chief Executive Officer Chief Investment Officer Dear Fellow Investors: When I was 5 years old I got a life saver stuck in my throat while grocery shopping with my parents. My Dad grabbed me by the ankles and turned me upside down. He

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At the Margin

William Smead Chief Executive Officer Chief Investment Officer Subscribe to the Missives Podcast Click here to listen to this Missive Dear Fellow Investors: I’ve always felt very fortunate to have received a solid education at Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA. In Micro- and Macroeconomics,

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Bill Smead on The Kudlow Report (aired July 30, 2009)

If you have trouble viewing this video, click here. The information contained in this tv appearance represents SCM’s opinions, and should not be construed as personalized or individualized investment advice. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The securities identified and described in this

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The Wrong Premiums

William Smead Chief Executive Officer Chief Investment Officer Subscribe to the Missives Podcast Click here to listen to this Missive Dear Clients and Prospective Clients: At the start of the year, we at Smead Capital Management predicted that 2009 would be like 1988. In the

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What If

William Smead Chief Executive Officer Chief Investment Officer Subscribe to the Missives Podcast Click here to listen to this Missive Dear Clients and Prospective Clients: As the first four weeks of a powerful upswing in the stock market unfolds, we thought we would use a

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From Blessed to Fail to Doomed to Succeed

William Smead Chief Executive Officer Chief Investment Officer Dear Clients and Prospective Clients:   Today, an owner of good quality United States based common stocks is doomed to succeed over the next ten years. They are doomed because of this psychologically difficult environment’s affect on

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