Tag: BRIC Trade

Mr. BRIC Trade is on Our Side

William Smead Chief Executive Officer Chief Investment Officer Dear Fellow Investors: A recent article in “The National” quoted Jim O’Neil as saying that current supply and demand for oil indicates that $80 to $100 per barrel for Brent Crude would be a fair price. For

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The S&P 500 Value Index Tells the Story

William Smead Chief Executive Officer Chief Investment Officer Subscribe to the Missives Podcast Click here to listen to this Missive Dear Clients and Prospective Clients: Oppenheimer’s Chief Market Strategist, Brian Belski, put out a great piece of research last week (“US Strategy Weekly: Shifting Focus

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Playing Emerging Markets

William Smead Chief Executive Officer Chief Investment Officer Subscribe to the Missives Podcast Click here to listen to this Missive Dear Clients and Prospective Clients: There are very good reasons to avoid investing in emerging markets. Below is a list of some of those reasons:

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The Wrong Premiums

William Smead Chief Executive Officer Chief Investment Officer Subscribe to the Missives Podcast Click here to listen to this Missive Dear Clients and Prospective Clients: At the start of the year, we at Smead Capital Management predicted that 2009 would be like 1988. In the

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